
Lymphie Strong Live Q&A with the BIDMC Lymphatic Center

As a patient advocate one of the dreams one might have is to bring world class speakers to support groups where fellow patients can hear the most current information on what is going on in the lymphatic world. From my personal heart, I can’t say enough great things about the BIDMC Lymphatic Center and all the work that they do to host an annual patient focused lymphatic symposium in Boston, MA. I have had the privilege to attend two symposiums both in 2018 and 2019 and both experiences were life altering.

You may find the most current information on the lymphatic symposium here – https://harvardlymphaticsurgery.org/

We were very humbled and honored to host this webinar with the BIDMC Lymphatic Center on May 8, 2020 exclusively for the Official Lymphie Strong Inspiration Group for Lymphedema. Dhruv Singhal, MD, Director of Lymphatic Surgery at BIDMC and the entire staff participated in this amazing webinar. We are so grateful for their time and expert multidisciplinary expertise.

We did experience some technical difficulties in my attempt to broadcast live to our Facebook group, but we quickly recovered from that speed bump. In the end, our session was recorded for all to hear and enjoy. It is my sincere hope that you are helped in some small way by this team.

Wishing you great lymphatic health,

Lymphie Strong


  1. What a marvelous presentation. I am filled with hope to travel to Boston to meet with the team and see how my lymphedema can be helped. Thank you so much for making it happen, Vern.
    All the best,
    Donna Piller

  2. Hi,
    Thank you again for the marvelous, informative webinar. Dr. Sighal mentioned the importance of determining the fat/fluid dominance in lymphedema. Could you direct me to discovering the answer in one’s condition? I have had two lymphoscintographs, and still do not know.

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