Lymphedema Awareness Events

Lymphie Strong TX Proud 

The 3rd Annual TX Walk to Fight Lymphedema and Lymphatic Disease was a first time fun event to have the incredible honor and privilege to participate in this year. It took place on Oct 15, 2016 in Plano, TX.  The Lymphie Strong TX Walk Group was Dedicated to giving hope, inspiration, and support to those suffering from Lymphedema. I wanted to thank all of our supporters who helped us raise $475. 

The t-shirt I ordered in honor of my Daddy came in the mail. I wore it to the Texas Walk in honor and memory of his 43 year battle with Lymphedema. 

Sending out a huge round of applause to Angelica Flores for coordinating the TX Walk!!! This is so much WORK involved, and she worked tirelessly since that Wednesday. Next year, I’m driving up on Wednesday to start helping. I just caught the tail end and helped the team finished folding shirts and filling bags. 

Awesome to meet both Angelica & Amy Greene in person too! She drove from her home state all the way to Texas! 

Photos by LE&RN.-

They are Lymphie ROCKSTARS 😎⭐️⭐️

Other amazing Lymphie friends we met at the event: 

My Speech was as follows – 

Hope Changes Everything 

 Hey Y’all, It’s me Vern. I’m the blogger known as Lymphie Strong. The first thing I want us all to do is have you turn to your neighbor and repeat after me “Hope Changes Everything.” 

<Hope Changes Everything> by crowd. 

A little louder, please! 

<Hope Changes Everything> by crowd. 

Thank you! I have a rare form of hereditary Lymphedema known as Lymphedema Distichiasis which is caused by a FOXC2 genetic mutation. It’s rare. I mean like rare. My doctor has only had 2 patients in 17 years of treating Lymphedema patients, and I’m patient #2. Haha My Lymphedema is in both legs and my back. 

 Now I believe hope changes everything 

because 2 years ago my legs used to look like this picture on the left. I was Stage 1 after 20 years with Lymphedema. When I walked, my skin felt like it was going to pop at any minute. In the mornings, I felt like I was walking on broken glass. I cried and did everything I could to hide my legs. Shoes were almost impossible to find. 

I went back to CDT with a tiny sliver of hope that I could wear shoes again. Hope changed everything. After 3 months, I fit into shoes. Within 6 months, I saw bones. Slowly most of the painful symptoms I experienced began to subside as my swelling continued to reduce with self MLD, compression compliance, exercise and other changes I made. 
I have hope because I’m at least a 3rd generation Texan and Lymphie. My grandfather was born in 1905 and had lymphedema in 1925. Never diagnosed in his lifetime. My Dad presented in 1974 and was diagnosed 24 years later in 1998. I presented in 1994 and was officially diagnosed with him that same year. So my family went from a lifetime of no diagnosis to diagnosis in 4 years. Each generation in my family prepared the next. Thanks to organizations like LE&RN we are making huge strides in awareness. 
 I have hope because having Lymphedema in 2016 is not the same as 1925. Last week I did my 10th 5K ever in 36:33 at NRG stadium. 

 I’m here to tell you not to lose hope. Visit my blog at staylymphiestrong.com for my full story and for information on how to connect with other people with Lymphedema who are living their lives to the fullest. 

I want to thank everyone in attendance today for supporting this event.

This was the TX Walk article released by LE&RN.  We are so excited for next year. 

Join us in 2017!!! 

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