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2018 #MOVETHATLYMPH Fall Festival 60 Day Challenge Registration

Welcome to the 3rd #MOVETHATLYMPH 60 Day Challenge for 2018!!

Challenge duration: Oct 1 – Nov 30, 2018.

For some of you, this is your first challenge. For many of you, you’ve completed multiple challenges and you are ready to help others achieve their fitness goals. 

Registration is open Sept 15th and closes on Oct 3rd at 8 PM Central Standard Time (Houston, TX.)

If there is ANY ever doubt in your mind that people with lymphedema cannot exercise or are lazy or fat, I challenge you to join The Lymphedema Running & Fitness Club closed group on Facebook and see for yourself a group of people that are debunking myths, overcoming insurmountable odds, and smashing all types of barriers and labels.

In short, their illness does not define them. You will not find a more determined group of positive like minded individuals working towards a common goal of living with lymphedema in a healthy and fit way of life. See #MOVETHATLYMPH Testimonials.

Team Atmosphere

If sharing makes you uncomfortable or you do not have time to post on social media, then this is not the challenge for you.

Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about LE related or not. If you must drop out due to unforeseen circumstances such as cellulitis, surgery, or other emergency issues, send Lymphie Strong a message.  If the reason is personal, simply state withdrawing for personal reasons.

Types of #MOVETHATLYMPH Activities

You can run, walk, swim, march in place in your living room, hike, yoga, pilates, aquatic exercise, chair exercise, pump, deep diaphragmatic breathing, gardening, stretching, or any other activity your heart desires.  Your goal is to reach 27 activities in 9 weeks.

Challenge Instructions


Please be advised that our registration has changed due to an overwhelming amount of members that register but do not eventually participate or respond back.  This is a grassroots group and our Admin and Moderators work on a volunteer basis to help and support you as best they can while managing their own lymphedema. We receive no compensation for running this program.

The #MOVETHATLYMPH Series originated in January 2017.  We thank our valued and repeat challenge members and welcome new joiners alike. All of you are the true inspirational Lymphedema/Lipo-LE heroes and backbone of the entire cause to create lymphatic health awareness.  We need your participation to make it a complete success for all.

We move for those that can’t. We do not for one second take our mobility for granted against this disease we all share.


  1. Like the Lymphie Strong and Juzo Facebook pages.
  2. Submit a payment of $10 for shirt adminstration costs to register by the deadline.  This is final and non-refundable regardless if you finish.  If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact Lymphie Strong directly. We have participants from all over the world. PayPal is applicable to a majority of countries.
  3. If you are not already in the The Lymphedema Running & Fitness Club (LRFC) closed Facebook group, you are welcome to join. Answer the questionnaire completely.
    1. A majority of our participants are in the Facebook group.
    1. For the first time, we are trying Instagram and Twitter on a pilot basis. If you post your weekly update there, be sure to tag “@lymphiestrong” to get credit for your weekly check-in.”
  4. Commit to #MOVETHATLYMPH at least 3x per week
  5. Post your check-in workouts as a summary once per week for 9 weeks through November 30, 2018.  If you are on Twitter or Instagram,  follow and tag @lymphiestrong. Use hashtags #movethatlymph #freedominmotion and your workout session number summary.
  6. Each participant is responsible for tracking their own updates. Lymphie Strong will post weekly start reminders each Monday.
  7. Once you reach 27 workouts, you are done.  One day counts as one.  Do not count two workouts/activities in one day as two, etc.
  8. Do not post a screenshot of your activity app and not explain what you did.
  9. Rest days are strongly encouraged but do not count toward your 27 goal.
  10. Any member losing track or missing 2 weekly check-ins will be disqualified. No exceptions. Refer above to “Team Atmosphere

Tracking Examples

Another sample – This person was post-op from LE surgery. Her surgeon gave her ONE GOAL and that was to dangle her legs. As she recovered, normal activities like movie-going were resumed slowly over time.



Registrants maintaining the above 1-10 requirements will be entered into a live FB drawing on December 1, 2018.**

Juzo Grand Prize

We are proud and honored to have Juzo will sponsor the enter 2018 #MOVETHATLYMPH Calendar of Events for the entire year.

Fall Festival 60 Day Prizes via Random Drawing

General Participation Prizes

Each participant that completes the eligibility requirements will receive a shirt in the mail after the conclusion of the challenge.

Good Luck and Wishing You Awesome Lymphatic Health!

Lymphie Strong


  1. Before filling out the form below, make sure you have read the entire blog post including Team Atmosphere, Type of #MOVETHATLYMPH Activities, and Challenge Instructions.
  2. Click here to pay for registration –> PayPal payment of $10.
  3. Once you pay, proceed to submit the form.
  4. There is no need to follow-up upon submitting the form. The #MOVETHATLYMPH Challenge receives 2 alerts and 2 emails when you register.  We will email you back as soon as possible.  If it’s the weekend, expect it the following week.
  5. Have fun! 🙂
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